16 Jul 2019


Dear my love,

Three years and six months have passed since we started a wonderful relationship. Unexplainably, I felt from the very first moment that this journey was going to be the best journey of my life. I just didn't know in what way. The look in your eyes was so sincere that I knew I finally found the opportunity to fully exploit my desire to love. Yet, neither was I nor were you in love or blindly enchanted. We both (independently) decided to build up love for one another and this is what I want to tell people about today.

With all my heart and with all my love,


Marco and I met when we both came to Leuven, Belgium in September 2015 to pursue our master degree at the KU Leuven. We became friends since our early arrival. Marco started teaching me why the sky is blue and why plants are green. Being the first person in my life who came up with those questions during a friends’ conversation was honestly mind-blowing. Marco is 3 years younger than me and that was enough for me not to think we could be more than friends. He did think otherwise, however.

Never were we pretending to impress each other on anything. Marco saw all the time how ignorant I was in many many “basic” topics and he just became my teacher. He, likewise, was rather a self-conscious person, and he never felt afraid of not looking like the coolest guy to me. Without going into any more details, he asked me to be more than friends. I was quite nervous because of the age difference, but then what the hell. That was January 25th and we declared that they “Pizza day” in celebration of my first time eating original and genuine Italian pizza.

So no, we were not in love with each other. My relationship with Marco was stunning from the start. He opened for me an entirely new perspective on a whole range of aspects in life. With him, I started discovering how wrong I was before on many thoughts and ideas. Changing my mind in so many aspects improved my life enormously and that’s how I discovered what a relationship, in my opinion, is all about.

Now, he, himself, is just an expeller of the most amazing energy. I never before met a person with such a sincere and innocent heart. I felt from the very first day that, despite all the risks, one thing that has the least probability of happening between us, is to hurt, cheat on, betray, make suffer one another. You may at any point not love or not want to be with a person. That’s however not a reason to make them miserable. I thought that at that moment, I think so now, and I hope with my strongest desires to think so forever.

How, then, did we reach this far and became such a happy couple? Ah, because we are infinitely happy, that’s one thing I’m absolutely sure of, and Marco loves me as much as I crazily love him. I love my life with him, I love the person I’ve become thanks to him and I love looking at his eyes (most beautiful eyes ever) and think that he’s the one I will always choose. But how? if I did not love him at first sight, neither did he to me. Easy but not easy. Because we both decided that one another was the person we wanted to love. I decided Marco was the guy I wanted to fall in love with. I decided he was the one I wanted to do sacrifices for, the one I wanted with unstoppable passion, the one I wanted to kiss like there was nothing else existing around.

Guess what? I did it, it was probably smoother from him to me. Nevertheless, we built up the love between us and in time that seed gave a very nice source of life which we have only been constantly harvesting and re-sowing. I taught my heart to love Marco, I did not force it, taught it. I taught my heart to surrender to any beasts that might damage our love because this has become my most precious treasure and those things you just protect them until the end.

As a gift for those who took the time and read until here, I want to deeply thank them by sharing our Pillars. We discovered that obstacles and challenges in our relationship which are not under our control will always occur. That is a random component that will happen during our lifetime. We did, however, decide to believe that the solution will always exist, because that is absolutely under our control. It may take a short or a long time. Yet, it will always exist. Second, we decided to spend more time on sowing other types of seeds, rather than just trying to cope with possible unhappiness, obstacles, uncomfort, doubts, fears … We decided to be a happy couple. Easy, but not so easy.

Happy life and love to everyone!